Welcome to Cedar! We’re very happy you’re here. 👋

To get started, follow these three simple steps:

Sign-up 📝

Confirm your account 🔐

Access your “Portfolio” 🗂️

Account dashboard

Account dashboard

Congratulations!! 🎉 You can now start searching for sites across Austin, TX (more locations coming soon)!

My Portfolio Features

  1. Site Search by zoning type and minimum lot size 🗺️

    Zoning Type

    Zoning Type

    Minimum Lot Size

    Minimum Lot Size

    More site search features are coming soon.

  2. Quick site summary through “Show Details” 📜 Get instant details on lot size, gross developable area, property value, zoning regulations and much more.

    Show details

    Show details

  3. Save a site to your portfolio for future review 💾 Easily save as many sites as you want to your portfolio for quick comparison or easy access in the future.

    Save site

    Save site

  4. Ready to take the next step? Request a Cedar BuildPotential 🏠 See what and how much you can build on your lot through a Cedar BuildPotential. This custom property report will include:

    1. An in-depth summary of the available area for the selected site
    2. A detailed site map showing existing site conditions
    3. Multiple unique Cedar Design Scenarios with a customizable proforma for each option
    4. A Risk Profile that outlines any issues that could prevent future development on the site.

    Order BuildPotential

    Order BuildPotential

    For a limited time only, the BuildPotential is FREE! All we ask is that you provide some feedback for us on the BuildPotential reports and your experience using Cedar. We will be releasing new interactive features soon, and your feedback will help us improve your experience with Cedar.

    Still trying to decide if you need a BuildPotential report? Check out the sample report in your portfolio to review everything that the BuildPotential report has to offer.

    View sample report

    View sample report


We understand how risky investing in a new property can be. So we have designed The Cedar BuildPotential to give you a preliminary analysis for your selected property in just 24-48 hours with existing conditions and zoning constraints highlighted, so you have a clear understanding of your risks and rewards before you invest in that property. We will also give you design scenarios for comparative analysis based on what and how much of the site can be developed.



  1. Summary High-level summary and statistics of development potential for the selected site.
  2. Existing Site Conditions A preliminary survey of existing site conditions that may impact the development potential of the site. Note that this is not an official site survey. You may need to acquire a stamped site survey from a licensed professional for permitting purposes.
  3. Design Scenarios Potential design options optimized for the site based on given site and zoning constraints, along with an interactive proforma and design guidelines for each.
  4. Zoning & Permitting Potential risks associated with the site are flagged for further review. (Suggestions for next steps, procedures, schedule, and fees for respective solutions, if applicable - coming soon).